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Coram Voice launches ‘Writing Competition’ to celebrate young voices

Coram Voice launches ‘Writing Competition’ to celebrate young voices

Are you in care or a care leaver? Do you like writing? Take a pen and paper and start writing.  It could be a poem, a short story – anything! So get writing – we can’t wait to get reading!

Coram Voice really wants to hear from you about who makes you happy. 

To mark Coram Voice’s 40th anniversary and in honour of their founder, Gwen James (07/11/1929 – 21/09/2015), they are launching Voices 2016.

The Voices 2016 competition will ask looked after children and care leavers to write about who makes them happy, or about what the important people in their life could do to make them happier.

Coram Voice is asking you to send a piece of your own writing for entry into our national writing competition. You could write about your family, your social workers, your foster carers, your teachers, your friends, your advocate or even your pets. Or you could write about what the important people in your life could do to make you happier. It could be a poem, a short story – anything!

Coram Voice thinks kids in care have powerful, unique voices and we want the whole country to hear them. And you can win a prize!

Sunbeam Fostering recommends to all children in care or care leavers to take part in Coram Voice Competition.

TO KNOW MORE VISIT :  http://www.coramvoice.org.uk/voices-2016


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