
Fostering Quality Assurance


Sunbeam (London & South) holds both London Care approval and several other framework contracts including (but not limited to) West London Alliance, Croydon, Lambeth, East London/North London, South Central, ER4, Southwark and Lewisham. Sunbeam Midlands hold framework contracts with (but not limited to) East Midlands, West Midlands, Birmingham, Solihull and White Rose.

Quality Assurance

We have an established quality assurance with key values to ensure high quality care is provided to children in our care and foster carers receive excellent support. To maintain this, we have a dedicated quality assurance person overseen by a senior manager.


Our care standards and company ethos are recognised through external organisations as noted below:

Our London Ofsted registration is rated as Good by Ofsted, please click here to see our latest inspection report.