
Fast track assessment for foster carers

Over 70,000 children live with almost 55,000 foster families across the UK each day. This is nearly three-quarters of the over 98,000 children in care away from home on any one day in the UK. Every year thousands of new foster families are needed (Fostering Network). More than 9,200 foster carers are needed only in the current year (2023) and this is increasing every year as more children are coming into care.

Sunbeam has started approving carers much quicker without compromising on the quality or assessment and checks so they are ready to help children in need. Sunbeam Fostering is actively recruiting foster carers from diverse backgrounds to help children in need. We have introduced a fast-track assessment to approve foster carers within 2 months. During a fast track assessment we are doing many things at the same time whilst still incorporating the same rigorous safety checks. We have created a faster way of getting certain people approved as foster carers within 2 months (from the day their assessment starts).

What is fast track assessment?

The fast-track assessment process means prospective foster carers can be approved more quickly, whilst meeting all our high-quality checks, assessments and support from our professional team.

The requirements and process to becoming a foster carer remain the same which include visits, all checks, assessments, panel etc. The only difference is that the speed of the process for our prospective foster carers is done much quicker.

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How has the application stage been made quicker?

At Sunbeam Fostering Agency, we have a high standard of quality and care to all our applicants and foster carers. With the fast-tracking assessment, we have not cut any corners. The process is still the exact same but much faster, meaning that we can match you to children and young people and you can begin to change children and young people’s lives for the better.


Who is suitable for fast-tracking?

  • Our fast-tracking system is designed for people who have a lot of free time and can spend time meeting the assessment requirements and process
  • You have fostering experience
  • You are/were approved foster carer
  • Eager to start fostering as their career
  • Have a spare bedroom, the time and commitment
  • Children recently moved out and you have the space available

How do fostering assessments work?

Fostering assessments are designed for us to get to know more about you, more about your family life, past and present. One of our fostering assessor will meet you, your family who live in the same household that you plan to foster in. Our fostering assessor will look at your relevant child skills and help and guide you to where you would benefit from some of our trainings.

At the end of the assessment period, you will then be presented in front of our independent fostering panel where your assessment will be looked into and you will be considered for approval.

This could be the perfect choice for you. Call us now and find out more.


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