
What is ARC?


ARC (Attachment, Regulation and Competency) is designed to re-parent children and young people aged three to seventeen who have experienced multiple and/or prolonged trauma. Children and young people often present with severe psychological and behavioural issues which can lead to significant challenges for foster parents to fully integrate them into everyday life.

what is are

ARC is a Attachment, Regulation and Competency.

MA created the model from their experience of working with children with traumatic stress. Over a decade of experience they have put together the core aspects of trauma treatment that can be used in a wide variety of child care settings. As a result the ARC model is also being used by a number of Local Authorities in education, youth justice and fostering.

01. ARC stands is
ARC stands for Attachment, Regulation and Competency. These are the three core domains within the ARC framework that are considered essential to healthy development.
02. Attachment is
Attachment is the capacity to form and maintain a healthy emotional bond with another person or persons which is a source of mutual comfort, safety, and care.
03. Regulation is
Regulation is the developing and maintaining the ability to notice and control feelings such as frustration, anger, and fear.
04. Competency is
Competency is mastering the developmental tasks of children and young people and developing an ability to plan and organise for their future. It is also self-development for the foster carers.