
Foster Care Fortnight

Foster Care Fortnight

Foster Care Fortnight™ is The Fostering Network’s annual campaign to raise the profile of fostering and to show how foster care transforms lives. It is also the UK’s biggest foster carer recruitment campaign. Thousands of new foster families are needed every year to care for a range of children, with the greatest need being for foster carers for older children, sibling groups and disabled children.

Foster Care Fortnight is taking place every year for 14 days.


Foster Care Fortnight

Why Fostering Matters?

There are at any one time more than 65,000 children in the UK in the care system and as the population grows so does the number of children requiring foster homes. Choosing to become a foster parent and deciding to give something back to society can be a wonderful but often daunting experience with many people not knowing where to start.

Fostering is a way of providing a stable family life for children and young people, who are unable to live with their parents at a point in time. This allows children the chance to thrive in a safe, secure, loving and caring home environment with foster carers.

Foster Care Fortnight

You can get yourself involve in Foster Care Fortnight through different ways. Become a foster carer with Sunbeam Fostering and help children in need. There are many reasons to choose Sunbeam and these can be find out here. You can speak to your family and friends to become foster carers. Spread the message across and change children lives. Show support and follow/like our social media page and download placard.

Remember every year we have #Sunbeamweek campaign (usually fall in March). There are many children who need a safe and secure family environment.


Spread Awareness

Get involved in Foster Care Fortnight through spending awareness in social media, click below to get a profile picture frame on social media. Use hashtag # to join the campaign on Sunbeam’s social media accounts.

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