
Fostering Training


Fostering Training is an essential part of every carer’s ongoing development and is one of the most effective ways of ensuring continuous improvement.

These Fostering Training courses are intended for all foster carers and child care professionals. The following courses are linked to the Fostering Training, Support and Development Standards for Foster Care developed by Children’s Workforce Development Council, and are based on the Fostering Services Regulations and the National Minimum Standards for Fostering.

All existing Foster carers are expected to complete the Standards and gain the completed TSD Certificate. We deliver training program which meets our vision for the Children’s Workforce which is set within the context of the Every Child’s Matters.

What is Fostering ?

Fostering is a way of providing a stable family life for children and young people, who are unable to live with their parents at a point in time. This allows children the chance to thrive in a safe, secure, loving and caring home environment with foster carers.

Fostering is a way of providing a stable family life for children and young people, who are unable to live with their parents at a point in time. Foster Care allows children the chance to thrive in a safe, secure, loving and caring home environment with foster carers. The children and young people placed with foster carers are from a diverse range of backgrounds and will display different behaviour depending upon their various experiences.

All children and young people are different, making it difficult to define a “typical child”. However, what you can expect is that, as with any child or young person, they need security, stability and the chance to develop and thrive with carers who understand what is fostering and have empathy for the child’s situation.

Who can foster?

Sunbeam is committed to support foster carers to receive formal recognition of your skills, knowledge and experience.

Sunbeam Fostering Agency has local offices around the country, and we continue to develop and maintain close, personal relationships with our carers and the local communities we support. We do our very best to make sure that every fostering experience inspires confidence and creates wonderful opportunities for the fostering a child and the fostering families.

We know that care is a community effort. That’s why we build excellent relationships with local authorities and the wider communities we serve. Together, we strive to meet the needs of foster carers and fostering a child, whatever the challenges these young people have faced in life so far.

Support is what keeps fostering working, and we’re dedicated to encouraging our amazing foster carers to grow with us. We support them totally so they can make real differences to a child’s life. Our unrivalled support and training is shaped by our carers and tailored to meet the needs of the children.

Training courses provided by Sunbeam are conducted in our Langley Registered Office and locally at resource centres in Walthamstow, Croydon and Reading. We also host other training courses in the Midlands from our Registered Office in Coventry and at local venues in Nottingham.

To become a foster parent or if interested to know more about fostering in Barnet and how we can help with your fostering enquiry. Call us now or complete a callback request and a member of recruitment team will get in touch to answer any questions you may have. As one of the largest and most progressive independent fostering agencies in the UK, we provide quality family placements to children in care and competitive foster care payments to our foster carers.

Sunbeam Can offer:

Regular home visits

Annual Awards ceremonies

Local support groups for foster carers

Family fun days and activities throughout the year

Dedicated local support from the social work team

Free ongoing training and development programme

Local support groups for children and young people

Sunbeam Fostering offers highly competitive rates of up to £700 per child per week in Barnet. Want to start fostering in Barnet? Just fill in the callback request or enquiry form and our fostering recruitment specialist will get in touch as soon as possible.

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