

Foster Parents

Taking Self Care

Being a foster carer can be a hard and often stressful role.  It’s important to take care of yourself every bit as much as the children in your care.

Often as carers or parents we put the needs of children and our families first and neglect our own needs.  So, here are 5 top tips to ensure you stay healthy both mentally and physically during quarantine.

  1. Get enough sleep – Sleep is one of the best things that we can give our bodies. Not getting enough sleep leads to things such as not being able to focus as well. Give yourself that time out to relax. Get into a bedtime routine to help you maintain the hours you sleep at night.
  2. Exercise – This is a very important aspect of selfcare and a good way to keep your mind and body healthy. This doesn’t mean having to work out for hours daily, just around 30 minutes of exercise per day will help you to feel better!
  3. Take time out to relax – Give yourself some time out, read your favourite book, watch a film or whatever you enjoy that helps you zone out for a little while It is important for everyone to relax and chill out regularly. 
  4. Time out from your phone and other devices –Take a break from scrolling through social media and connecting with friends. Sometimes it’s good to have a break from your devices and switch off.
  5. Eat nutritious foods – Although it is defiantly good to treat yourself with sweet treats every once in a while, eating foods that is good for your body will help you to feel more energised.
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