Voice of the Child : words from one of our looked after children in the midlands.
Hello my name is E. I am 12 years old and I am in foster care. It is lovely being in care because I know that I am supported and loved. I know that when I have a problem, I can go to my foster carers. I know it may seem that this is all a scary roller coaster because of going to a new home, new family and a new chapter in your life but I got through all of this with LOADS of support from everyone around me.
I have been in care for four years and I have been on fantastic holidays such as Turkey and Mallorca. I also go on wonderful days out with sunbeam to Drayton Manor. It was so cool because the staff are so nice and friendly and you just cannot walk out that gate and say I didn’t enjoy that. Being in foster care has given me a boost in everything I do. I have made loads of new friends here. The message I’m sending to you Is that you are not alone.