

Foster Carer Foster Parents Fostering

Being a Muslim is not a barricade to fostering

Being a Muslim is not a barricade to fostering

Being a Muslim is absolutely not a barricade to fostering. Here is an experience shared by one of Islamic Fostering family working with Sunbeam Fostering Agency. Here is what they have to say about their fostering journey.

“We had much support and encouragement from all our friends and family in the community when we decided to become foster carers. Throughout our career as Foster Carers they have continued to be actually positive and supportive. We haven’t found that being Muslim has been a barricade to fostering in any way. We respect all the racial differences of the children we look after despite their background, and in turn we get their respect too.

We have gone through all usual challenges you would besides as Foster Carers, the first big one was when trying to work with the birth family of a child we were looking after. At first they were very negative and hostile, but we kept persevering and eventually won them round. We ended up having actually good working relationship with them.

What people usually speak is that none of us are perfect, and that everyone has different circumstances that can affect things like their capability to parent. Through patience and taking the time to understand these circumstances, we can help children to get what they need in order to expand and building a bright future.

We have found it to be rewarding, motivating, and eventually great to see the difference we can make to children and young people who need a family atmosphere.

We would like to Thank Sunbeam Fostering Agency for providing outstanding Support during whole Fostering Journey.”

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