Coram welcomes Government changes to adoption law
Sunbeam Fostering is happy to let you know that, Children’s charity and outstanding adoption agency, Coram, welcomes today’s Government announcement of changes in adoption law and increased funding to improve life chances of children waiting in care.
Jeanne Kaniuk OBE, Managing Director of Coram’s adoption services, said:
“Children in the care system are there because they have experienced profound adversity and damage. We commend the courage of the Government in ensuring that legislation strengthens these children’s entitlement to lifelong stability and need for reparative parenting in decisions around where they should live.
“We therefore encourage government to enable more direct access to the Adoption Support Fund 1 and review the level of the Inter-agency Fee 2 to reflect the reality of providing the highest quality and consistency of services to adopters and children – no matter where they live or which kind of agency/service is supporting them.”
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