


Mother’s Day

With Mother’s Day upcoming on Sunday, it is a day that is celebrated once a year to admire the mother of the family to show their love and appreciation for all they have done. The day is widely commercialised throughout the shops and online. Encouraging people to buy flowers, gifts and write cards to their mothers to show their appreciation.  Schools also encourage children to create handmade cards for their mum to show how much they mean to them.


However, not all children have their own mum to wake up to on Mothering Sunday.  For children and young people whose mother is absent for one reason or another, Mother’s Day can become one of the hardest days of the year for them.  Not only is Mother’s Day difficult for children in care, it can also cause confusion for some children and young people as they are unsure if they should celebrate the day with their new foster mother.


Some children may feel guilty to their biological birth mothers for celebrating the day without them. Some children may feel confused if they should get a card or even acknowledge the day. This could be just a few thoughts that your children and young people may feel around and on the day of the annual holiday.


However, for many other children and young people in care, they are happy to emphasise all the help and support and love their foster mum has provided for them. Embracing how their foster mum has changed their life in more ways than one.  Giving them amazing memories that they can cherish forever. Mother’s Day can be a difficult day for a child or young person who is in foster care.


For children and young people who find the day difficult, a simple reminder that you are there for them and if they want to talk with you, you are always there to support them and reassure them. It is important to make them feel comfortable, try to have a mutual understanding of the day. This may help you to understand how they are feeling. This will also help your child or young person to not feel pressured or uncomfortable with Mother’s Day approaching.

If you are aware of the difficult relationship with their mother, then try talking to them about it and help in any way that you can to ensure that Mother’s Day can be a bit more manageable for them.


Foster Carers make an incredible difference to a child or young person’s life, regardless or everything they may have been through. It is important to understand their sensitivity to such holidays and try to make it as enjoyable as impossible for them.


If you do require any support or would like to ask any questions, please do speak to your social worker as they will be able to provide you with any additional advice.

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