

Foster Parents

Mother’s Day 2021

Mother’s Day is an annual event that is celebrated every year across the world, to honour all that a mother does to support and care for her children. However, this can be a difficult day for children and young people who are in care as it may remind them of negative previous experiences. Mother’s Day can be difficult for children in care, it can also cause confusion for some children and young people as they are unsure if they should celebrate the day with their foster mother. Some children find it a struggle as they may feel disloyal to their birth mother for celebrating the day without them.

However, for many children and young people in care they are excited and happy to enjoy the day with their foster carers, to celebrate all the hard work, dedication love and support their foster carers provide to them to make sure they feel safe and have a loving environment to grow into. Many children and young people also like to share homemade gifts and flowers to show their appreciation.

For children and young people who may find the day difficult, you may find that they want to talk about the day or possibly they may even want to ignore it. But it is important that you make them feel as comfortable as possible, try to have a mutual understanding of the day and each other’s feelings. This will help you to understand their feelings a bit better and help your child feel at ease with the day approaching and on the day.

Our foster carers make an incredible difference to our children and young people’s lives, providing them with endless support and guidance as they grow up into young adults. There is no normal way to experience mother’s day for children and young people in care as each of their experiences is different from one another. It will mean different things to each and every child or young person it’s about foster families respecting and understanding this and supporting them to feel loved, welcomed and valued as a part of the family regardless of the emotional complications.

Fostering is such a rewarding role; offering nurture, support and an experience of a loving family, to a child who really needs it. If you are interested in fostering and opening up your hearts to children and young people, please contact our recruitment team on 02087 990 930 or click here to fill out our call back request form and a member from our team will get back to you.

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