


Safer Internet Day 2019

Safer Internet Day 2019:

Safer internet day is an annual event which is celebrated every year in the UK in February.

Coordinated in the UK by the UK Safer Internet Centre the celebration sees hundreds of schools and organisations join together to raise awareness of online safety issues and run events and activities right across the UK.

Today’s theme is focusing on:

Together for a better internet

The aim of this year’s theme is to inspire a national conversation about using technology responsibly, respectfully, critically and creatively. The day is to promote the idea of consent and how it works in an online context.

The world of social media platforms, internet access and websites is a huge part of people’s lives. The campaign is to encourage children and young people to explore how the internet works, how to stay safe, who owns the information that is shared on it and how they can actively take ownership of digital spaces. Safer Internet Day want to encourage and empower children and young people to take control of their online lives and how they can use the positive power of the internet for good.

SID (Safer Internet Day) offer a range of toolkits to help you teach your child or young person the values and importance of internet safety. The educational tool packs look at consent online and how much of an important factor it is to always check for consent.

The internet is a fantastic resource which opens up a range of different opportunities for your child or young person which allows them to connect, communicate and learn in a range of different ways. However, the internet does come with some risks and it is important that your child or young person knows how to keep themselves safe online and avoid vulnerable situations.

Keeping your child or young person safe online:

The internet opens up a window of different sites, some which may be age inappropriate for your child or young person, some websites may be unreliable or illegal. Talk to your foster child about what content would be most suitable for their age and what sort of sites they should avoid and what they should do if they feel unsafe or uncomfortable online.

Showing respect online is an important factor to staying safe online, teaching your children and young people they need to show respect for other people online and always check for consent before sharing.

Keeping personal information private and not sharing passwords, addresses, mobile numbers and other personal information online will help minimise risks and improve your child or young person’s safety online.

Remember to be open and honest with your child or young person. Maintain and encourage keeping an open conversation about their online digital footprint. Ask them what websites, apps and social media platforms they like using and their favourite parts about being able to access the internet. Discuss with them how they can keep safe online and what they can do if they feel at risk. Remind them that you will be there to support them and guide them on anything they are unsure about. Teach them where to go if they need help or how to find safety online. Depending on your child’s age may determine if you want to adjust the privacy settings on the device they are using to ensure they do not see any age inappropriate sites.

There are many resource for you to use to teach your child or young person how to stay safe online and the importance of it. Safer Internet Day offer a range of resources and interactive learning techniques.

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