

Family Time

Fun family activities to do at home!

We can understand that it can be quite difficult to keep your family occupied whilst being at home. So we have come up with some great ideas for all of the family to get involved in. 

Camping in the great indoors

Gather all the blankets and sheets you can find and put together a fort using the cushions from around the house, tables and chairs. Let them decorate and bring their favourite teddy bears. 

Home Cinema

Pick out the family favourite movie, grab the popcorn and sit down and watch a movie at home! Dinsey+ has lots of great family favourites.

Hold an indoor treasure hunt

Design your very own treasure hunt for your children to get involved in, hide riddles and clues around the house which will lead to a treat at the end.


Get out the aprons and cookbooks and cook some delicious treats, get your children involved in the creative baking!

Indoor Picnic

Put together some sandwiches and your children’s favourite snacks, put down a blanket with plates and napkins and gather round! Cuddly toys and dolls also make great guests.

Plastic Bottle Bowling 

Using old plastic bottles and a tennis ball, make a bowling lane in your house and see who can knock down the most bottles!

Mini Golf Course

Collect different household objects that you have lying around and create a mini golf course. You could even create some bright and colourful flags.


Although this can be more of a messy activity it is sure to bring fun! Get out the paint box and think creative. 

Games Night 

This is something the whole family will be sure to love! It allows children and young people to practice skills such as waiting for their turn, being a good sport and strategic thinking all in a fun way!

Make your own instruments!

Create your own instruments from objects you can find around the house. Then, lead a marching band parade through the living room!

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