

Mother's Day

Mothering Sunday – 22nd March 2020

Mother’s Day Poem

Mother’s Day is a celebration that happens once a year, honouring mums across the world. It is celebrated on various days in many parts of the world, most commonly in the months of March or May.

This year in the UK Mothering Sunday will be celebrated on 22nd March 2020.

For children and young people in foster care this can be a very difficult day, it can also cause confusion for some of them as they are unsure if they should celebrate the day with their new foster mother.

However, for many other children and young people, they are happy to acknowledge and celebrate all the help and support and love their foster mum has provided for them. Embracing how their foster mum has changed their life in more ways than one.  Giving them amazing memories that they can cherish forever.

Foster Carers make an unbelievable difference to children and young people’s lives with their ongoing support and providing caring and loving homes.