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Inspirational Women in Foster Care

Inspirational Women in Foster Care

On this International Women’s Day, we’d like to honour all the women who grew up in the care system and went on to become trailblazers in their fields. They serve as a reminder that if given the chance, all women have the tenacity to succeed.


“I have such admiration for those that foster and indeed take the steps toward fostering a child. There are so many incredible people out there who would make and do make incredible foster carers, and there are also many children out there who need those very people to be foster carers to them.”

Lorraine Pascale

Lorraine Pascale is a former top model and British television cook and USA Food Network host, best known for selling nearly one million books in the UK alone. Her television shows are broadcasted in 70 countries around the world. For several seasons, she had her own cooking show on BBC. She is an emotional wellness advocate and the UK Government’s Fostering and Adoption Ambassador. Lorraine, as a care leaver and adopted child, understands the difficulties that a child in care faces. Speaking about her foster carers Lorraine says “From the very beginning that I felt at home there. It was clearly a very happy household with very happy children and a couple who loved each other very much. And because of that, in time, I felt happy and safe.

Her knowledge and experiences make her an excellent advocate and now an ambassador for children and young people all over the UK. She adds “I have such admiration for those that foster and indeed take the steps toward fostering a child. There are so many incredible people out there who would make and do make incredible foster carers, and there are also many children out there who need those very people to be foster carers to them.”



Victoria Rowell

The Young & Restless, actress Victoria Rowell, who is best known for her work in these shows, did not have a happy upbringing. Her 2007 memoir, The Women Who Raised Me, details the various women who raised her over the course of 18 years after she and her siblings were placed in foster care when she was just 16 days old.

Rowell has never been formally adopted, but her early years had a significant impact on who she is today. Since then, Rowell has founded her own non-profit organisation called Foster Children Positive Plan. It is a group committed to using the performing arts and sports to support, guide, and encourage foster children. She is also a passionate advocate on behalf of children in foster care.

Simone Biles

Olympic gold medallist Simone Biles has shown that incredible parents, whether related by blood or not, can enable a child achieve anything. The gymnast was in foster care before being adopted by her grandfather and his wife.


We were really fortunate because we got to stay with our siblings, which most siblings get separated,” Simone said, adding that they were always placed with the same foster parents, too. “We had a good experience in foster care. So, I can’t knock that.

Simone’s biological mother struggled with drugs and alcohol, and her children were frequently taken from her care.  Simone and her three siblings were in foster care from the age of two until they were five, she said “I know exactly how it is, and I know exactly how you feel being a foster kid,” Biles told USA TODAY Sports. “I can be a voice for them. I can help them, and I can tell them that they’re not alone and that it’s going to be OK. That you can also still be great in the world. From the time she was 2 or 3 until she was 5, Simone said she and her three siblings spent much of their time in foster care. “We were really fortunate because we got to stay with our siblings, which most siblings get separated,” Simone said, adding that they were always placed with the same foster parents, too. “We had a good experience in foster care. So, I can’t knock that.” Simone is an advocate of fostering and encourages greater investment in foster care children so that they can have greater opportunities to thrive.

Children can have a second chance at life and grow up to become successful adults with the help of the right foster family. At sunbeam fostering, we are always available for our carers and provide them with all the support and trainings they might need throughout their fostering journey. If you are thinking of becoming foster carer, please give us a call on 020 8799 0930 or visit our website

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