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World Social Work Day

World Social Work Day

On World Social Work Day, we celebrate the important role that social workers play in promoting social justice and equality around the world. This year’s theme, “Respecting Diversity through Joint Social Action,” highlights the crucial importance of promoting diversity, inclusion, and equality in our work as social workers. 

At Sunbeam, social workers are uniquely positioned to promote diversity and inclusivity, as we work with individuals and communities from all walks of life.

We are guided by a set of values that define our ethical responsibilities and inform our practice, including respect for the dignity and worth of every person, social justice, and a commitment to promoting the well-being of individuals, families, and communities. Being a social worker means being dedicated to improving the lives of the most vulnerable members of our society, advocating for their rights and needs, and working towards a more just and equitable society. 

At Sunbeam, social workers are uniquely positioned to promote diversity and inclusivity, as we work with individuals and communities from all walks of life, including those who are marginalised or oppressed. By embracing the values of diversity, inclusivity, and equality, we can help to bridge divides and build stronger, more resilient communities. 

Let us take a moment on this World Social Work Day to reflect on the vital work that social workers do, and renew our commitment to promoting diversity, inclusivity, and equality in all aspects of our work. By working together through joint social action, we can create a world where every individual is valued and has the opportunity to reach their full potential and live a life of dignity and purpose. 



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