The mental health of children and young people in London
Public Health England have published their report on the Mental Health of Children and Young People in December 2016. The report provides many visual analyses and tools to evidence the long lasting effects of the impact of mental health on children and young people and why it is so important to invest in the mental health services and early intervention provisions available for children and young people across London, and the UK.
The report is a useful tool which allows readers to understand the impact and identify those who may be at risk of mental health issues in the future. More relevant for our staff and foster carers within the London Boroughs it also identifies areas within London where services for CYP mental health maybe lacking and how CYP living in London face many social pressures at home, school and within the community. For foster carers, it is useful to understand the services offered within the borough’s they live and to consider how they can access these services for the CYP they look after, even more important is their ability to identify and link behaviours with potential mental health needs. The report highlights that ‘60% of looked after children have some form of emotional and mental health illness’ (Public Health England, 2016) therefore our work in supporting CYP and providing stable and secure homes is just as important to supporting their mental health as it is to safeguarding and supporting physical health. looks-at- the-mental- health-of- children-in- london